Saturday, November 27, 2010

F-ing Hackers

I have only had my blog for a couple days and hacked, it is. 

If I was not so busy gazing at my new bedazzled finger, I would be angry.  

I'm a serious blogger with a lot of depth and wit. Poop.

Poop has nothing to do with my depth and wit! 

Maybe a little.
But not enough to mention.  

Especially publicly!  
Man oh man.  

I must be off now, I need to put together my son's birthday music mix.  
Partridge Family, Elvis, Beastie Boys, all his favorites.  
Best one-year-old ever!  

The best year of my life. 

So far.  


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the hacker. That's no good at all.

    Happy birthday to your little guy. I'm sure the party will be a hit; sorry we can't be there.


  2. Happy Birthday Harrison!

    What did this hacker do to your bloggittyblogblog?

    Best music mix ever.
