Monday, November 29, 2010


A year ago today, I woke up with horrible back pain.  I tried stretching and cracking it but nothing helped.  Every few minutes something made my stomach feel like it was shrinking into itself.  It hurt so bad I would have to squeeze something as hard as I could.  The pain was so intense I was unable to think or speak or do anything.  But then it would go away. 

I used the ladies room and hmm… this isn’t normal.  Did my water break?

Call nurse line.
Ring ring.
Nurse answers.
Hi, I think my water broke.  Maybe?  What’s it like?  Did my water break?  My contractions are five minutes apart.
You need to go to the hospital.  A doctor will be calling you shortly.
No, I don’t think I need to go to the hospital yet.  Thank you.

I jiggle Sam the rat around a little bit.  He sits on my belly, whisker twitching and sweater chewin.  Don’t chew my sweater, SamFace!

Sam in Flight
Ring ring.
It’s the doc! 
Did my water break?
I don’t know, go to the hospital. 
Hmmm… I don’t know if I have to.  I’ll wait and see.
Go to the hospital.
Ok, I just need to… do some things.

Text big (huge) sister.  

I cook breakfast, a big breakfast because once you’re admitted you get no food.  Women cannot have any food in their body if a cesarean becomes necessary.


Now I need to put my face on.  Must look pretty for my big day.

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